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In 1989 the ChaosBureauEurope (CBE) was established as an international film consulting agency and low-
Moreover, it administrates the œuvre of my father, Mario Decleva (1930-
1990 culture and multimedia concept for the Architectural Competition "EXPO 94", together with DI Arch. A. Lintl, Vienna.
1990 Research and general concept work "The Hall" for the City of Vienna, a multi functional culture project, which was expected to take place at the "EXPO ´94" in Vienna. Although the "EXPO 94" was cancelled, 2 years later a culture centre was developed based on the concept.
1990 Invited by the Association of Russian Filmmakers, Mosque, for a 4 week information trip. Organisation of a promotion tour for Oleg Ossetinsky, a Russian writer and filmmaker, in Austria and Germany. (Sponsored by Austrian and Russian Film Funds).
1991 Concept work for the Project "New City" (DI A Lintl, Vienna).
1994 Conception of a video installation for the exhibition "Men are like that" about the World War I., Historical Museum of Vienna. This concept included 5 video clips and a game.
1997 Concept work and official support for the "1. Private Film & TV School Vienna".
1998 Concept work and coaching for the "International Film & TV Workshop", in Aspern, Austria.
The ChaosBureauTasmania (CBT) is a small business based on the idea of the CBE. Goal is to support and produce community-
1999 coaching for the "Summerskill" workshop, ARTS / Hobart
2001 – ongoing. Support and filming for the "Wedged Tail Eagles Project" in Tasmania / Bill Brown, Parks & Wildlife.
2002 being involved in projects with Vietnam Veterans.
2009 Proposal & script for “Drugs and their Impact”, a community film project about the Tasmanian / Australian situation.
2011 and ongoing research about endemic birds in Tasmania. Treatment for “In the Eye of the Eagle”.